Ready to invest?

Investing should be an intentional, informed and insightful process.

Investing can be scary. We are here to take all the guesswork out of investing. We believe that time is essential and crucial in any investment and we want to help you make the most out of yours.

Real Estate Investing 101

  • Can help you get pre-approved with investor friendly Lenders.

    Click here for the list.

  • I will work closely with you to determine the type of investment property that works best for you, considering location, cash flow and necessary rehab work.

    Click here to fill out a Buyers List form. This will give me all the information I need to help you find the perfect investment property.

  • I will guide you through all the way through the process, right up to closing. I will show you the most relevant comparable properties.

  • I will find you the contractors for the rehab and show you the bids, so you will be fully informed.

  • Once the home closes the contractors can start the rehab process.

  • I work with Property Management companies all the time. I will help you find the right one to maximize your rental income. And if you need to sell, I am here for you of course!

Need a Trusted Professional?

Do you have a special project you need done on your house or a "Oh no! Something has broken on the house" problem? I work with a list of trusted professional and licensed vendors. Complete this form and I will send you a list to help you on your next project.